about taisha,

Ever since she was little, she was captivated by the whimsical and enchanting books of Shirley Barber (if you know, you know how magical her books are!). From the intricate details of the illustrations to the magical stories, Shirley's books ignited her imagination and sparked a lifelong love for all things colourful + whimsical.

As Taisha grew older, she found herself drawn to the beauty and wonder of nature, particularly the delicate beauty of flowers. Taisha began to realise that the joy and enchantment she found in Shirley's books could be found in the beauty of flowers as well. She became fascinated with the idea of bringing that same sense of joy and whimsy to others through the magic of flowers.

And so with this, she decided to pursue the idea of floral design. Drawing on her love of Shirley Barber's books, as well as the commitment to the environment and local community, The Daily Fleur was birthed, an eco-conscious florist that specialises in locally grown flowers and whimsical designs. Through The Daily Fleur, her hope is to bring a little bit of magic and enchantment into people's lives + home, just as Shirley Barber's books did for Taisha.